QUonG initiative

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The QUonG Project

Elemento QUonG.png
QUonG rack.png

QUonG is an Logo-infn.pngINFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) initiative targeted to develop a High Performance Computing system dedicated (but not limited) to Lattice QCD computations.

QUonG is a massively parallel computing platform built up from commodity multi-core processors coupled with latest generation GPUs; its communication mesh - being tailored to the characteristics of LQCD algorithms - is a point-to-point, high performance, low latency network where the computing nodes are topologically arranged as vertexes of a 3 dimensional torus.

The network is built upon the APEnet+ project.

The final shape of a deployed QUonG system is an assembly of standard 42U racks, each one capable of 60 TFlops/rack of peak performance, at a cost of 5kEuro/TFlops and for an estimated power consumption of 25 kW/rack.

A first QUonG system prototype is expected to be delivered at the end of the year 2011.